2022.6.18 - GEC烈士陵园外语角第531期活动
更新:2022-06-16 12:13:35 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:0
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2022-6-18(周六) 19:30-21:00
活动地点: 地王广场负二层
( 地铁1号线烈士陵园站A出口外)
本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
跨境电商主播英文溜到“飞起”! Cross border e-commerce anchor English slips to "flying"!
Huang Erxia, 38, switched from being a tour guide to a livestream anchor in May 2020, after the outbreak of the novel coronavirus virtually shut down the tourism industry. Huang’s unique selling point in what has become a crowded market was her foreign language skills.
Staying passionate and sincere is also the sales secret of Zhang Zhou, who has worked as a cross-border livestreaming anchor in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, since last December. She said the most difficult part at the very beginning was to remain passionate and clear in introducing and describing the products she was selling — mostly women’s fashion.
Topic discussion reference :
1.How is your English level? Dare to sell goods to foreigners?
2.The live broadcasting company is recruiting a large number of people who are good at English. Do you want to try it?
3.What benefits do you think speaking English fluently will bring to you in the future?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
Words to use:
Cross border e-commerce(跨境电商);anchor(主播);livestream(直播);tour guide(导游);outbreak(爆发);coronavirus(冠状病毒);passionate(热情的);recruiting(招聘);fluently(流利地);audience(观众);satisfaction(满足);compensation(补偿);vacancies(空缺职位);sector(部门);attractive(有吸引力的);

