2022.12.24 - GEC地王广场外语角第554期活动
更新:2022-12-21 16:40:50 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:0
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2022-12-24(周六) 19:30-21:00
活动地点: 地王广场负二层
( 地铁1号线烈士陵园站A出口外)
本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
超纲了!英议员参加小学考试一半不及格 Half of British MPs failed the primary school examination
British MPs and peers tasked with completing a year 6 SATs exam have scored lower results on average than the country’s 10-year-olds. Only 44 percent of the cross-party group of parliamentarians dubbed the Westminster Class of 2022 achieved the expected standard in maths and just 50 percent had achieved the expected standard in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
"The exams were absolutely terrifying," Byrne said, "the mental impact such pressure would have on these young children is immense. SATs at this level must be scrapped. I'm delighted so many cross-party colleagues could experience this pressure too."
在许多人的观念里,参加小学生考试可以说是易如反掌。但最近,小学生考试的试题却让英国的一些议员犯了难。这次考试由呼吁教育改革组织“不止分数(More Than A Score)”发起,在小学生的“监考”下,一群英国议员参加了小学生毕业阶段的考试,结果有一半的人没有及格。英语和数学试题也让这些大人们“手足无措”。
Topic discussion reference :
1.Is this a question of a senator or examination?
2.If you were given a previous test paper, what score would you get?
3.How much knowledge learned in the past 10 years can help you?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Diwang Square !
Words to use:
primary school(小学);average(平均);parliamentarians(国会议员);punctuation(标点符号);grammar(语法);spelling(拼写);Mechanism(机制);mental(思想的);immense(极大的);scrap(抛弃);delighted(高兴的);rectify(纠正);politicians(政治家);implementation(实施);reform(改革);

