The 7 facts of Minions that you should know..
更新:2015-10-05 15:19:09 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:转载 | 阅读:88

1: There are only 5 natural hairstyles for minions in Despicable Me films, including bald

2: Minions have only three fingers.

3: The evil Minions are purple because purple & yellow are an opposite sides of the color spectrum.

4: Minion can survive in outer space, they resist freezing & do not need to breathe oxygen.

5: Minions speak a mixture of Spanish, English, French & Italian, with additional elements of Russian & Korean.

Hello > Bello
Goodbye > Poopaye
Thank you > Tank yu
For you > Para tu
Marriage > La boda
Apples > Pappples
Ice cream > Gelato
I'm sorry > Bi-do
I'm hungry > We want banana
Ugly > Bananoninal
I swear > Underwear
Fire > Bee-do-Bee-do-Bee-do
We love you > Tulaliloo ti amo
I hate you > Tatata-bala-tu
What > Po-ka
Cheers > Kampai
Kiss kiss > Muak muak muak
6: Minions have been licensed by McDonalds.
7: All of the minions who play important parts in the movies have male names.

Short, plump, and bald minion with multi-colored eyes (green & brown).
A mischievous minion who will do anything, even lighting a bomb, to get attention. He has a more childlike personality than others and loves to annoy people.

A two-eyed, skinny minion, with nice combed hair.
An intelligent minion who is kind, caring, and funny, but sometimes accident prone and he likes ice cream! He is so good at using weapons and making cupcakes and other foods.

A one-eyed short minion with combed hair.
Playful and funny. He is skillful at video games like Dave. He is also the most sincere and innocent out of all the minions.