Locklin - Live a Full and Young Life with GEC
更新:2018-12-20 09:47:58 | 分享:Locklin | 来源:原创 | 阅读:158
I am Locklin, a young and passionate guy who recently joined in. I was a graduate in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and got my bachelor's degree in Business English in 2015. After that I went to ESSEC Business School in France for furthur study. I have just come back to Guangzhou in August and I am working in a French bank in Zhujiang New Town.

The work and study experiences in China, France and Singapore have not only given me the ability to speak different languages, but more importantly, opened up my mind and encouraged me to be curious about this world and always try to find out more. I am quite ready to meet new friends and embrace different ideas. I like doing sports and playing guitar. Also, I am always eager to explore more of our beautiful nation.
GEC is a young and passionate association too. Though established by volonteers, it has survived the early years and keeps growing up. Through informal activities it has brought the beauty of foreign languages into many people's world. I sincerely hope that one day when people in Guangzhou think about language corners, GEC would be the first name that pops out.