Veronica - Me and my Women's college
更新:2015-03-20 14:51:46 | 分享:Veronica ( V101 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:356
other in the this teams.

I'm from Guangdong Women's Polytechnic College. Yeah~you will ask me the questions like
this: Are there have boys in your college ? Man teacher ? How about your principal? Wow~
your male teachers are so happiness and your schoolmaster is the most happiest man in the world !!! Many people will be curious about it when I tell them my school name. Would you want to know ?
Now,listen to me !
There are all girls in my college and we just have man teachers. Of course, we had man students in 2006, but it just maintain one session. Our schoolmaster are very busy and I never seen him, haha~ I don't know what he look like.
Guangdong Women's Polytechnic College is the only one public women's school of the Guangdong province. I'm very happy to study here and she enrich my life for nearly 3 years. I miss her. Now, together with me.
My college is near to shiqi metro station line 4, when you get exit B then you will see it. look~

Every Monday morning, each department will turn to participate in the flag-raising ceremony
which become an indelible momery of our mind.

Here we call luye square, some association students will hold some activities in this place. As you can see, the floor are pretty neat and tidy which due to the girls who do some part-time work in school, and they get up early every morning to clean the campus, even it's rainning.
They are like an angel to guard every cornor of the schoolyard.

Our gym, usually, we will hold the large activities in the second floor and we play badminton and ping-pong in the first floor. If you are not the school student also you can come here, but for some sport facilities, you need to open your pocket :))))) by the way we have swinging pool.

The playground which the place I like most, I can see the flying bird, bule sky and green grasses in here . It'll make you feel the wonderful things aroud you. About 17:00~22:00, some teachers will play football in the lawn , and some girls are running in the circular race track, people and natural things can attract you.

The winter sunshine, you can see it in this season, so beautiful~

The teaching building, maybe the most beautiful things is that you can have a class and listening to the teacher.

Rose, we are often appreciate her and take some photos.

When you pass the pathway, you'll hear someone who are playing the piano.

The pool, we will reading here in the morning.

Our friends, cat, we play together from time to time. He had bitted before :(

The library, I always stay in the first floor to read some magazines and see the newspapers, in additions, I'll play the computer in the fifth floors, sometimes, I can contribute half day to do this.

Welcome you to visit my campus~If you wanna come here,you need one school girls to company with you and make a registration.
I need to tell you that most of the photos are from my classmate,Lizhen.
Dear guy, have you read this long article completely ?
Thank you for spending your time in reading my writing.