Blazer - I am Blazer!
更新:2016-09-20 17:43:50 | 分享:Blazer ( V3026 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:130
Hi~everybody.I am Blazer.


好吧,我全身都是火。其实这还蛮符合我的性格的,因为我是一个full of passion 滴淫……

He is humorous so he always makes his friends laugh.He is brave even when he did not have any special skills at the very beginning.He is able to bring hope to those who are with him.And he is dedicative.He would like to sacrifice himself for the people whom he wants to protect.
I think the people like him are inspiring.When shadow comes to claim our souls,they will be the fire and light giving others warmth and hope.
I want to be this kind of person so I name myself after him.A person like him is qualified to be my idol.I do really admire him.
So here is a man who want to be humorous,brave,passionate,dedicative…