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Fayina - Work hard, play hard

更新:2016-06-06 22:50:32  |  分享:Fayina ( V2379 )  |  来源:原创  |  阅读:326

大家好,我是Fayina(发音为法伊娜), 来自江西南昌。因为学的国贸专业,毕业后毅然决然地来到广州做外贸行业。刚来的时候,因为没有朋友和同学,周末除了看电影和逛超市,其他地方都不太愿意一个人去,之后偶然有个朋友向我推荐了GEC,我发现这个社区能满足我很多业余时间想做的事,比如学语言,交朋友,参加户外活动等等。社区里的同伴们友善又热心,让一个远在异乡的孩子倍感温暖。

Hi everyone, I am Fayina, from Jiangxi,Nanchang. As may major is International economy and trade, I went to Guangzhou to work as a trader after graduation. When I just arrived here, expect cinema and supermarket, I do not want to go anywhere else as I am alone and have no friends and classmates in Guangzhou.


Then a friend new made introduced GEC to me, wow, I found that this community could meet most need of me in my spare time, such as learning language, making friends and take part in outdoor activities. People in it are friendly and enthusiastic, which let me feel really warm when far away from home.

Deliberate in counsel , prompt in action. That’s the best description of me. Cause I could reading and writing in a library for a whole afternoon, also could sing songs in a KTV all night or go our for fun with friends for several days. I am not enthusiastic enough, but I would be very different when taking with a friend has common topics.  A friend deem me an extreme independent girl, I just laugh and told her, I just accepted the challenges the world given to me.  What’s more,  I love DIY.  Something like paper folding, planting and making beverage and snacks. I feel really fulfilling when study making new things, my sense of achievement would arise spontaneously when colleagues enjoy my making effect.

GEC enrich my life, I made many friends and went to more places, thank you for this wonderful community and volunteers working for it behind sincerely. As a member of it,  while enjoy the benefit,  I will try my best to devote my pygmy effort.  Last but not least, hope GEC be more strong and better, serve more people.
