Iverson - Bright future is waiting for you
更新:2017-07-24 00:08:39 | 分享:Iverson ( V5141 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:180
Bright future is waiting for you 拨开云雾见彩虹
Hello dear friends in GEC, This is Iverson who is from Gansu province in northwest part of China, studying and working in Guangzhou several years, now I am working in Baiyun district in a company as an export salesman, 26 the best age of my life and single still, in my spare time I love to go running with colleagues go outside with friends and reading.

It was surprised me that when Seas told me I got a chance to be a Star in this week, in my deep heart I thank GEC so much, currently two month I have been attending GEC almost every Sundays, I learnt so much from the group volunteers and members of GEC. Every time after the activity finished I always felt I got many weaknesses, and I must to solve and improve it immediately, I am confident with my oral English but absolutely there are many excellent English speakers there when I am chatting with these guys I reminder myself this is the motivation, I also tell myself that others can do it you can do it as well.
The purpose of joining GEC is that I wanna make new friends and go outside of my small world to change my introverted personality, and improve my business negotiation skill in English. It sounds weird I put huge mission in joining GEC, I am thinking that give ourselves a chance to be better even I could not achieve the goals but at less I tried. Ok, stop here please feel freely to chat with me if you see me in the activity, I am always warmly welcome and it's an honor communicate with you guys. Thanks
大家好,我叫Iverson, 中文名段孝忠,来自甘肃陇南,十足的北方小伙,但是也可能在南方久了外在已经分不清南北了,哈哈。我在白云区工作,汽车灯出口销售,业余时间喜欢跑步打球和朋友出去玩,作为一个小愤青喜欢读点史哲类的书。
非常幸运我能有机会分享自己,感谢组织,哈哈。说实在的参加GEC活动的两个月中感受颇深,接触认识到了各路大神,受益匪浅。感谢Ted Vicky如此认真的带我,我也将会把这种精神传承下去,哈哈,突然变身继承者,快点你们告诉我蚂蚁花呗有多少钱。GEC真的有非常多的英语大牛,口语和表达超一流,每次跟大神过招之后就感觉自己被虐爆了,但是我相信别人能做到的我也一样可以,如果不可以就是太懒啦,赶紧改变!