Johnny - How to fulfill your dream
更新:2017-08-07 17:11:04 | 分享:Johnny Johnson | 来源:原创 | 阅读:125
Johnny : How to fulfill your dream,
Your future depends on your dream,,, So... go to sleep now.
Name : JJ , the initials of Johnny Johnson
Native place : Taipei, Taiwan, China

My home located in Danshui district, Taipei, just few metro stops away from ShiLin night market. Yummy yummy..... Graduated at Taiwan national defense university.
Served in Taiwan Navy for 12 years, at the branches of electronic warfare early warning system, anti-missile system to protect our destroyer to against missile attack.and also incharge of anti-submarine departments for last 4 years, Was training in Maryland USA for something I can’t tell...
Working and living in Durban city, South Africa more than 15 years, South Africa is a beautiful country with plenty of natural green protected areas and also game reserves, so I like to collect animal paintings and photos, also got some animal picture frames at home.
Now doing international trading, mainly for clothing, apparels, furniture, lighting, sola system , surveillance system and bla bla bla , Teaching English part time, such as all kinds of baking, cooking and some DIY skills.
Habbit : playing classical guitar , and ocarina.