To Father's Day
更新:2015-06-21 00:46:47 | 分享:Henry ( V597 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:21
I have wasted most of time and nothing has been done.

Tomorrow is Father's Day, tonight when I sitting at the station, only me waiting there, I think of you, my father.
I remember, you never do some kind of big things, if you want to do, you never believe your children, never let us help you. You do the things by yourself in your way, get rid of them on the right time and never delay.
I know you never let us stack up the goods in the depot not only because you believe we can't done it well but also because you don't want us to do these dirty work. Work like a horse, it's your habit, it's your style. I complained about it before.But now I think you're right.It's an attitude of responsible and flawless.
These years, l'm lazy, I'm prolonged, I'm careless, that's my style of doing things.Looking at the high montain, forget the way under my feet right now.
Happy Father's Day.I hope my bus would come for me not waiting too long so I can run after you from this moment.