Rebecca - GEC, A Stage for All
更新:2016-06-15 10:35:35 | 分享:Rebecca ( V99 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:366

I’m the designer of GEC’s logo, which was created in 2012. So there’s a simple message from these three colors of the logo: Ocean blue represents diversity and inclusivity; Grey represents a fertile filed where one’s English skill is cultivated, and where one’s passion for English is nurtured; Bright green represents vitality and creativity. And along the way I discovered that GEC is not only for English but multilanguage.
Take GEC Free Talk, I do enjoy it and this served me well in my life. Because the speech isn’t set in stone, everyone has freedom to improvise. That’s why we called it “Free Talk”, right? It is a simple thing but impresses me. Here, you might fell idea-doubt very often because you’re gonna meet many new friends every single time. But idea doubt is energizing. It motivates you to test , to experiment, to refine. It gives you chances to consider divergent ideas. The reason why GEC is so popular is that it is open to every person who has a dream of being able to improve Language Skill for free.
What about my life? I work in American Education and have the part-time job as a Master of Ceremony (MC). I like tennis and running. Basically, like English, they become part of my life already. I do believe GEC is gonna be my part of life and we guys will move forward together with our common interest.
小伙伴们好,我是Rebecca Lee,GEC的创始人之一。GEC有她的故事,我希望GEC对于那些乐意互相帮助学习英语或者是其他方面能够互助的人是个更具创意的舞台。
例如GEC的Free Talk活动,我特别喜欢,这对我的生活很有用。因为演讲并非一成不变,不用提前准备,每个人有即兴创作的自由,这就是我们把这个活动命名为“Free Talk”的原因吧,不是吗?这个活动很简单,反倒让我印象深刻。在这个活动过程中,你很可能会经常感到自己在怀疑别人提出的主意,也就是说Free Talk中同一个话题你会和其他人持不同的看法,因为在这里你每次都会遇到很多不同的新朋友,自然就会有很多不同的想法,你也许会不赞同他们的想法。但是对主意的怀疑可以加强活力,它激励你去测试、去试验、去改善,让你有机会去发散思维,这样练你的口语还怕提高不了吗?GEC一如既往地受欢迎,是因为她对每个拥有梦想的人开放,而这些人的梦想就是能够免费提高他们的英语口语水平,有一个单纯的交流环境。而GEC将永远是他们实现梦想的舞台。