Daniel - A Valuable Opportunity
更新:2015-05-29 00:40:13 | 分享:Daniel Oey( V628 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:280

As we know that English has led the global to communicate across borders, made people around the world talk easily although each country must also bring their own accent and behavior into English to be the local English. However, it can be understood by other countries’ English speakers, like Singaporean English which came from the combination of 3 main ethnic groups’ dialects: Chinese, Indian, and Malay. It makes their English very unique and special.
So, back my point, it is not wrong to speak English with your origin accent rather than imitating British or American English. Just for your Information, Great Britain is divided into several states like Wales, England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland; and those states also have their own accent to express with local familiar vocabularies. I give this suggestion because I found a lot of people were trying very hard to learn other language with expectation to speak in “original” way; that sometimes made me feel they have lost an identity of their selves indeed.
In GEC English Corner, I found a lot of people with a similar purpose, improving the English Conversation skill by sharing experiences I have never heard before and creating a gathering event to let the members getting more familiar with each other.Moreover, I could spend my time for something helpful not only for me, but also for other members to learn about culture of my country where I grew up. Because actually I used to have a similar challenge to other Chinese members that we learnt this language without enough practice from our kindergarten, perhaps, and it can be a best moment to do it without going abroad like what I am doing now in order to learn Chinese. So, I feel grateful for a chance to share this experience and I hope it can be helpful for all of you.
Thank you!