Horace : Do whatever you like!
更新:2014-10-29 12:43:35 | 分享:Horace ( V166 ) | 来源:转载 | 阅读:197

Later I quit up the job and join an human resources company. Which job is to arrange the Kindergarten teacher in secondary school to fulfill their internship. Why I choose this is that it offer me a lot of opportunity to travel around Guangdong province, and broaden my view of the culture of this province. And the second reason is that it teach me how to communicate with 17—20 –years-old students, and make them believe and trust on you.
I’m English major and like English very much, every time when I paid a visit to a new city , and always try to find the local English corner by internet. This is exactly the way I get to know the GEC and become the member of it. In the GEC gathering every week , you can talk with some English lovers in English and make new friends. And the stylistic part of this gathering in my opinion is the topic discussion. before every Saturday the host of the week would be decided and the responsibility of him or her is to find the topic and post an profile on QQ group, when members gather together every week, the host would be in charge of this topic and invite the members to take part in.
It must be said that English corner is a place that help you to find new friends and practice your English, and also it would reduce your stress and make you feel relax after a busy day. English corner for me is an physical spa.
Do whatever you like!