2022.10.1 - GEC地王广场外语角第546期活动
更新:2022-09-29 09:27:46 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:0
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2022-10-1(周六) 19:30-21:00
活动地点: 地王广场负二层
( 地铁1号线烈士陵园站A出口外)
本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
“羊了个羊”火遍全网,警方发布紧急提醒 A sheep is popular all over the network
Yang Le Ge Yang, an elimination game on WeChat’s mini program platform, has gone viral on Chinese social media, with a related hashtag topping the trending charts on Weibo. The game features comic-like art design and earworm background music and its brief introduction boasts that less than 0.1% of players can complete all the levels.
As some people, particularly teenagers, were defrauded by being lured to buy online game equipment, the Cyberspace Administration of China has worked with the Ministry of Public Security in the fight against scammers since the beginning of this year.
Topic discussion reference :
1.Have you been addicted to "A sheep" recently?
2.Why do you think "A sheep" can be so popular?
3.What's your favorite game?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Diwang Square !
Words to use:
elimination(消除);go viral(像病毒一样传播开来);hashtag(标签);comic-like(像漫画一样);earworm(耳虫);boasts(夸耀);particularly(尤其);teenagers(青少年);defrauded(被欺骗);lure(诱惑);scammers(骗子);legislature(立法机关);legitimate rights(合法权利);

