Never Say (N)ever
更新:2018-12-11 23:43:03 | 分享:No name | 来源:原创 | 阅读:73
During the warm-up stage, after reading and answering the questionnaire, I was lucky to be able to attend an offline gathering. Despite some emergencies, I managed to arrive on time, since the arrival of one individual hinged on the encounter of two. Since I have already registered for such an event, a sense of responsibility has risen from within myself.
At the beginning of the event, after a brief self-introduction, cream sugar-making was started. The dosage can be easily finalized with repeated attempts, but the most difficult part was mixing. Pitifully, due to insufficient time in mixing, our offerings were a little thin, so the final product couldn’t be made into attractive shapes. However, “11.11 FOR GEC ☆” expressed explicitly our deep-rooted implications.
During the long wait for baking, “one-to-one” dialogues allowed for in-depth communication, in which interaction between souls, with 5 in-depth questions as a boost, has sparked contemplation within each other’s hearts.
The next stage was the most interesting, in which, Truth Or Dare was kickstarted. We called that “Mona Lisa”. Boys got each other into a fix, while girls were unitive. After drawing on the “bitter” experience, boys realized why they failed and began acting as a team until they have finally won the game, thus teeming the room with a profusion of laughter. At the very moment, we have become boundaryless, and we have no theme for the gathering, instead we were just a joyous body of pals.
With the cream sugar served freshly, taking group photos with varied poses prevailed. The gathering was coming to an end, after communication, personal date were made, group dinners were scheduled. Thus, in the days ahead, personal stories will be staged.

How time flies. Over 20 days have passed. With a slew of blind sounds, stories before sleep have frozen in perpetuity. Therefore, I prefer time go faster than in any other situation ever before. Tic Tac Tic Tac... There will be no breath sound which is familiar nearby my ears when I fall asleep, but instead of the nightmare.
GEC is a warm family, with its offline English Corner offering a paradise for exchanging views, and its activities one by one. I feel heart-felt thanks to the organizers and hosts. It was due to their contribution that has made our gatherings so interesting and richly-endowed.
Finally, I have made several adorable pals in these gatherings. After that, we worked as topic leaders in Haizhu Square and team leaders in outdoor activities. Thus, we contribute what we can do while enjoying the delight here and practicing oral English.
This is my favorite question which I prepared for the activity.
~ When you get in trouble, the one who you fall in love with tell you " Let me handle this, and things gonna be alright". Do you prefer to follow his words and keep calm? Or you will figure it out by yourself.
No name
One participant of GEC
One participant of GEC