2023.8.5 - GEC地王广场外语角第586期活动
更新:2023-08-04 09:57:18 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:0
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2023-8-5(周六) 19:30-22:00
活动地点: 地王广场负三层 活动空间
( 地铁1号线烈士陵园站A出口外)
本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
City walk为何这么火?你漫游过吗? Why is City Walk so popular?
In contrast to rushing past overcrowded tourist landmarks, the new trend of city walk has emerged as a popular alternative to exploring bustling markets, ancient streets, and charming alleys at a leisurely pace.
The appeal of city walk is particularly resonant with the younger generation, who frequently find themselves caught up in demanding work schedules, thereby limiting their time for local exploration. The growing trend of city walk reflects a changing attitude towards life, embracing a warmer, more relaxed, and slower-paced lifestyle.
最近,一种不同于“特种兵式旅游”的旅行方式—— city walk(城市漫游)火了,广受年轻人欢迎。人们对city walk所代表的旅行形式进行了新的理解建构:没有专业的讲述员,不需要那么多规划,不追求打卡,随心所欲,畅快前行。City walk的兴起反映了年轻人生活态度的转变。大家开始拥抱更温暖、更放松、更慢节奏的生活方式。
Topic discussion reference :
1.Have you tried City Walk?
2.What are the suitable places for City Walk in Guangzhou?
3.Talk about your favorite place to visit.
1.你尝试过City walk吗?为何现在那么火?
2.广州都有什么地方适合City walk?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Diwang Square !
Words to use:
landmarks(旅游景点);immersive(沉浸式);slow-paced(慢节奏);contrast(对比);overcrowded(拥挤的);emerged(出现);alternative(可供替代的);bustling(熙熙攘攘的);ancient(古代的);charming alleys(迷人的小巷);leisurely(悠闲地);pace(步伐);resonant(共鸣的);exploration(探索);embracing(拥抱);

