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2021.12.18 - GEC烈士陵园外语角第505期活动

更新:2021-12-17 06:05:52  |  分享:Molly ( V92 )  |  来源:参考  |  阅读:0

GEC外语社团免费公益活动 烈士陵园外语角
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2021-12-18(周六) 19:15-21:00
活动地点: 地王广场负二层 
( 地铁1号线烈士陵园站A出口外)

本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
中国将如何实现共同富裕?Promoting common prosperity requires an income distribution system

Development will remain the top priority for China, and the country will work to achieve common prosperity by advancing high-quality growth, an official said on Friday.

During a press briefing held by the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on introducing the guiding principles of the sixth plenary session, which concluded on Thursday, Han Wenxiu, an official with the CPC Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs , said that development will be the key measure for China to realize common prosperity.

改革开放前的30年,我们从一穷二白发展到独立自主。改革开放后的30年,我们实现了让一部分人先富起来。未来30年,我们如何实现共同富裕? 国家提出的方法主要从分配方式下手。意思也很明确,就是提高穷人的工资,少收穷人的税。多收富人的税。然后再让那些大富豪捐点钱给穷人。

Topic discussion reference :
1. Do you think we can achieve common prosperity in the future? Why?
2. How do you think we can achieve common prosperity?
3. What is your ideal future life?


Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !

Words to use:
Promoting(促进);common prosperity(共同富裕); income distribution(收入分配);top priority(最高优先级);principles(原则); plenary session(全体会议);key measure(关键措施); realize(实现);arduous(艰苦的);enhance(增强);balance(平衡);urban(城镇的);rural(乡村的);inadequate(不足的);



\ 英语角联系人:Seas -18102204725 (微信:supermolly124)

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