Dina - Listen to speech from Obama every week
更新:2015-02-15 21:05:05 | 分享:Dina ( V311 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:225

I knew GEC by accident. Once when I surfed the Internet, I looked the topic about Islam in GEC's website, which attracted me a lot. However, I had work to do that night so I missed the English corner. The next saturday night, I eventually went GEC to meet many people who like English. That night we talked about reporters because of the accident from Yao's death. I attented many English corners before, but the topic talking in GEC impressed me a lot because not only it can practice my English, but it also open my mind. Every participant held different opinion on the topic, making me consider things in every sides.
I really like English, especially the English speech. I listen to the weekly speech from Obama every week, whose speech is full of courages and confidence. I hope one day I can use English to make a speech to talk about the magical mathematic world in order to let people not think it is difficult when referring to mathematic.
I expect I can go to GEC more times, but these days I return home to celebrate spring festival. Thank GEC for providing such special opportunity. And I also want to thank Seas who is a kind man and helped me sovle many English problems.