2014.12.20 - 广州海珠广场英语角第163期活动
更新:2014-12-14 23:55:26 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:71
主持人: Topic + Free talks
Time 时间: 2014-12-20(六) 19:00-21:00
Location地点: 海珠广场
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
一夫一妻还是一夫多妻?The monogamy or the polygamy?
Living in Guangzhou, most of you could have met many foreigners in different religion belief, there was a time, i chatted with a muslin client which is from a middle-east country, the client insisted that their religion rules are fair for both of men and women, one of the rules are very controversial,that is muslin men have right to marry four different woman.
When it came to this part, the client said ,in china, even though it practices monogamy(一夫一妻制), there are many married men have affair with other women in private, in that case ,if u were the wife, u prefer your husband have relationship with one or two women who u know well and living in the same house or he have relationship with many different women which u don't know at all? In your opinion, what do u think about the issue? welcome to join us and share our ideas!
Topic discuss reference :
1.The bads and the goods of monogamy and polygamy
2.The real happiness of women
3.The health of the family and kids growth
4. The social impact
1. 一夫一妻制和一夫多妻的好与坏
2. 什么是女人真正的幸福
3. 家庭健康与孩子成长
4. 对社会的影响
Come to share your opinion with us ! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !