2015.2.14 - 广州海珠广场英语角第171期活动
更新:2015-02-04 23:19:18 | 分享:Seas ( V100 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:48
主持人: Topic talk + Free talks
Time 时间: 2015-2-14(六) 19:00-21:00
Location地点: 海珠广场
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
So, it really has happened, sooner than most of us thought, the well-known Japanese Comic "Naruto" which has been running since 1999 was coming to end after it’s 700 chapters. As the best-selling manga during recent years in the world, it gained a massive following and created an empire full of music, films, card games, video and books.
In China, Naruto also attracted millions of Chinese youngsters, as well as other Japanese cartoon like "Saint Seiya" or "Dragon Ball"…… Besides Japanese cartoon, China's animation market was also full of other foreign works like "Mickey Mouse","Transformers", they had become an eye-candy and mainstream entertainment for all of us in our childhood.
However, recently we may see more and more Chinese domestic animation is shining as brilliant as the foreign ones, such as "Pleasant Goat & BigBig Wolf", "Qin's Moon (秦时明月)","Mcdull(麦兜)","Boonie Bears(熊出没)","One hundred thousand bad jokes(十万个冷笑话)"...So is that means China's comic industry has truly been awakend and start thriving?
Topic discussion reference :
1.Let's recall the days we were following Naruto or other comic.
2.Which is your best favorite one? Foreign or domestic.
3.Do you think China's comic can catch up with japan's? How?
1. 聊聊那些追逐火影和其他动漫的日子。
2. 聊聊你喜欢的其他国外和国产动漫。
3. 你觉得中国动漫追得上日本吗?怎样做?
Come to share your opinion with us ! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
manga(日式漫画),GalGame(美少女游戏),CG(计算机动画),Loli(萝莉),One piece(海贼王),Astro Boy(铁臂阿童木),Detective Conan(名侦探柯南),Captain Tsubasa(足球小将),Crayon Shin-chan(蜡笔小新),Chibi Maruko chan(樱桃小丸子),City Hunter(城市獵人),Doraemon(哆啦A梦),Neon Genesis Evangelion(新世纪福音战士),Gundam(高达),Macross(超时空要塞),Ranma 1/2(乱马1/2),Sailor Moon(美少女战士),Slam Dunk(灌篮高手),Black Cat Detective(黑猫警长),Children of Cucurbit(葫芦娃),Garfield(加菲猫),Winnie the Pooh(小熊维尼)