2015.4.25 - 广州海珠广场英语角第180期活动
更新:2015-04-17 11:53:27 | 分享:Bell ( V313 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:174
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
Time 时间: 2015-4-25(六) 19:00-21:00
Location地点: 海珠广场
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
生命的摆渡人 - 朋友,你了解入殓师这个职业吗?
A mortician, also known as a funeral director or undertaker, is a professional involved in the business of funeral rites. They prepare the body, dress the deceased tidy, and apply make-up for the deceased trip to the afterlife. Those wishing to become morticians should take the courses that include anatomy, physiology, pathology, embalming techniques, restorative art, and business management.
Departures, a 2008 Japanese drama film, increased interest in encoffining ceremonies. Lots of teenagers choose mortician as their vocation after seeing the movie.
In traditional culture morticians are considered unclean as everything related to death is thought to be a source of defilement. They are discriminated against by wider society just because of the taboos against death.
Topic discussion reference :
1.What do you think about mortician?
2.Did you have any experiences with mortician? How did you feel about talking with him?
3.How to face with life and death frankly?
4.Do you want to be a mortician? Why?
Come to share your opinion with us ! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
Mortician(入殓师,送行者,礼仪师);encoffiner(尸体防腐者,防腐师);deceased(逝者);anatomy(解剖学);physiology(生物学);pathology(病理学);embalming techniques(防腐技术);encoffining ceremonies(入殓仪式); taboos against death(对死亡的禁忌);discriminate(歧视,区别对待);infectious(有传染性的);cadavers(尸体);respect(尊重);interpersonal connections(人际关系)
