2015.5.9 - 广州海珠广场英语角第182期活动
更新:2015-05-03 22:07:46 | 分享:Seas ( V100 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:73
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
Time 时间: 2015-5-09(六) 19:00-21:00
Location地点: 海珠广场
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
2015什么最火?—— 微信朋友圈里卖面膜!
Che Yanjiao, a 22-year-old senior student at Chengdu University of Technology, earns over 500,000 yuan ($80,453) per month by selling facial masks on WeChat. Can you believe that ??
This is a true story! WeChat's Friend Circle, a place where people can share photos and a few words with their friends, but recently it's been flooded with "self-sell" goods such as facial masks. Many people feel annoying by this phenomenon and blacklist those friends who is selling goods in friend circle, but it couldn't stop that more and more people are keep selling or tryin to start his/her own business from wechat.
Even Tencent, the owner of WeChat, has also started introducing it's own advertising on this China's most propular social networking APP from the beginning of 2015.
Topic discussion reference :
1.Have you ever bought facial mask or other goods from friend circle?
2.How do you feel friend circle is becoming commercialised?
3.What's the pros and cons of business between friends?
Come to share your opinion with us ! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
WeChat(微信);facial masks(面膜);blacklist(屏蔽,拉黑);advertising(广告);commercialise(商业化);profits(利润);costs(成本);positive energy(正能量);ads can be a part of life(广告是生活的一部分);chicken soup stories(心灵鸡汤); social platform(社交平台);reputation(信誉);cosmetic(化妆品);interpersonal connections(人际关系)
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