2015.7.11 - GEC海珠广场英语角第191期活动
更新:2015-07-06 16:22:08 | 分享:CY ( V244 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:293
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2015-7-11(六) 19:00-21:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
sexual or emotional fidelity?你能接受精神出轨还是肉体出轨?
Earlier Wenzhang’s Cheating scandal became a cause célèbre. It is it just his brain is full of sexual and the his body is off the track for a moment? His wife yili ma just said nothing, why netizens said and wrotea lot criticizes for some reason? Is sexual fidelity really hard to accept? Is this a typical man thinking? Sexual fidelity shows that love is defeated by desire. All illegal mating is an act of rascal.Don't take physiological needs to hide heart of greed.
Compared with pure emotional fidelity, it is more unacceptable for dirty sexual fidelity. But some people think that sexual fidelity is mostly caused by hormones, which just mate with no true heart. However emotional fidelity shows that two people sleep on one bed like strange bedfellows. perhaps one day they will break up. how can they live happily together? So emotional fidelity is more fatal! The fair between men and women is always a mess. What do you think which is more unacceptable: sexual or emotional fidelity?
比起纯爱的精神出轨,肮脏龌蹉的肉体出轨更不能接受,但是有些人认为肉体出轨多半是荷尔蒙撒野,只交配但不交心, 可一旦精神出轨,两人整天同床异梦,没准哪天就会东窗事发,还怎么能在一起愉快地玩耍呢?所以说精神出轨猛于虎!男女之间那点事从来都是一笔糊涂账。你们觉得精神出轨和肉体出轨哪个更不能被接受?
Topic discussion reference :
1:Grouping: choose the side you support, which is more unacceptable: sexual or emotional fidelity.
2:Both sides debate.
3:Able to convince the other person win the debate
Come to share your opinion with us ! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
报名请短信Clara:15018481740 or Molly:18613177160 或加微信:supermolly-law

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