2015.11.7 - GEC海珠广场英语角第208期活动
更新:2015-11-02 16:53:46 | 分享:Seas ( V100 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:71
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2015-11-7(六) 19:00-21:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
每个人心中都住着一个小王子,你的小王子在哪?Where is your Little Prince?
Seven decades after the birth of the 1943 French classic "The Little Prince", which has found its way into 253 languages and dialects, selling as many as 200 million copies, has been recreated on the big screen, making a big splash in China.
The story is about : Bored by her tight lecture schedule, the young girl befriends an aging pilot next door and becomes fascinated by his story of the little prince and the asteroids. The Little Prince is not only a fairy tale for children, but a remarkable existential work, which reminds of people to follow their hearts amid the mundane chaos.
Topic discussion reference :
1. Have you ever read or watch "The little Prince"?
2. What do you think the author of this story trying to tell us?
3. From kid to adult, did we lost any vaulable things?
1. 你看过《小王子》么?有何感想?
2. 你觉得《小王子》的作者在试图告诉我们什么?
3. 从成长到成熟,我们丢掉了什么珍贵的东西吗?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
decade(十年);dialects(方言);befriends (交朋友);fascinated(着迷);asteroids(小行星);fairy tale(童话故事);remarkable(卓越的);existential(现存的);mundane(平凡的,世俗的);chaos(混乱); novella(小说); pilot(飞行员);faithfulness(诚实);animation(动漫); adventure(冒险); rescue(拯救);applause(鼓掌);immersion(沉浸,洗礼);
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温馨提示:英语角活动同时或稍后会根据当天志愿者情况组织其他外语角,如:日语角,韩语角,法语角…… 另:请拥有社团徽章的同学尽量佩戴徽章参加活动哦!