2015.11.28 - GEC海珠广场英语角第211期活动
更新:2015-11-17 19:14:43 | 分享:Shawn / Seas | 来源:参考 | 阅读:135
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2015-11-28(六) 19:00-21:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
剁手节你剁手了吗?熬夜秒杀?后悔了吗?Double11, regret or not?
The most exciting annual shopping festival in China "Double 11" was over. Alibaba.com, the e-commerce giant who created this event, said more than 1 billion USD was spent within the first eight minutes!On another note, "Double 11' is also the day to mark the singles (singles day). It looks like the combination of these 2 events creates an inflammatory power.
However, on the other side, by the end of June, nine major retailers, including Dalian Wanda, Parkson and Marks& Spencer shut down at least 25 stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities.
Topic discussion reference :
1.Did you spend money on 11.11? Are you regret?
2.Share with us your unpleasent experience of shopping online.
3.What's the pros and cons between online shop and brick-and-mortar shop?
4.Do you think the online salers played tricks on this day?
1. 剁手节你有剁手吗?熬夜秒杀?后悔了吗?
2. 你有过什么失败的网店购物经验?
3. 网店和实体店对比,各自优缺点是什么?你更倾向于哪个?
4. 双十一是中国单身节, 你认为这对单身人士及恋人是种伤害吗?
5. 女生貌美如花,男生赚钱养家,这是一种成功的商业策划?谈谈你的见解。
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
e-commerce industry(电商行业);combination(合并);inflammatory(令人激动的);retailer(零售商);online shop(网店);brick-and-mortar shop( 实体店);played tricks(耍花招);pros and cons(优缺点);domestic demand(国内需求);boosting economic growth(刺激经济发展); consumption(消费);malls(大型商场);
迷路联系人:Seas -13711212165 或 Clara-15018481740或加微信:supermolly-law

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