2015.12.4 - GEC市一宫英语角第018期活动
更新:2015-11-26 11:44:37 | 分享:Shawn ( V592 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:60
GEC外语社团免费公益活动 市一宫广场英语角
活动形式: Topic talk + Table games
活动时间: 2015-12-4(周五) 19:30-22:00
活动地点: 广州市第一文化宫广场(福记面店旁)
活动福利: 聚会点设有免费桌椅
Step1: 19:30-19:40 自我介绍
Step2: 19:40-20:20 话题讨论
活动主题:Smartphone Addiction “屏奴”时代
With every passing day, technology is overtaking our daily lives, as you may have noticed that almost everywhere people are looking at their smart phone screens. These high tech devices have become not just an object, but for many a best friend, or even more than that, as many people suffer from anxiety if they lose their phone, even if only for a few minutes.

Topic discussion reference :
1. How many smart devices do you have? what are they used for? How ofen do you use them?
2. Do you think you are getting closer to your family or friends with these smart devices? what do you think of people showing off in their friend circle?
3. Do you think you or your friends have a smartphone addiction? Any suggestion on it?
4. How long can you stand without a phone? what life would be if we go back to those days without smart devices? Better or worse?
5. Imagine and describe the future life as smart devices are still changing our lives.
1. 谈谈你所拥有的智能设备(手机、平板、手环等)以及他们的用途。
2. 这些智能设备让我们彼此变得更亲密还是疏远?如何看待朋友圈晒图行为?
3. 你认为你或者你朋友有手机上瘾吗?有何建议?
4. 你可以忍受多久不刷手机?没有智能手机的日子会变得更美好吗?
5. 展望一下这种智能手机引导的生活会如何发展下去
Step3: 20:20-21:30 或 22:00 英语桌游活动 !
今期GEC外语社团会向大家带来两款好玩的桌游,到场后由志愿者用中文教大家怎么玩,学会后开始用英语游戏。 请参加活动的同学一定要佩戴上徽章,游戏期间我们会规定:佩戴中、高级徽章(蓝、黄)的同学必须全程使用英语,不许用中文。佩戴初级徽章(绿)的同学可以适当使用中文。玩游戏的时候请尽量玩得开心点,不用拘紧,让我一起在游戏中寻找学英语的快乐!
Come to share your opinion and play with us ! This Friday night !

迷路联系人:Shawn:18565157290 or Molly:18613177160 或加微信:supermolly-law
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