2015.12.11 - GEC市一宫英语角第019期活动
更新:2015-12-03 22:38:14 | 分享:Mason ( V1628 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:52
GEC外语社团免费公益活动 市一宫广场英语角
活动形式: Topic talk + Table games
活动时间: 2015-12-11(周五) 19:30-22:00
活动地点: 广州市第一文化宫广场(福记面店旁)
活动福利: 聚会点设有免费桌椅
Step1: 19:30-19:40 自我介绍
Step2: 19:40-20:20 话题讨论
Genesis 9:11
And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
我与你们立约,凡有血肉的,不再被洪水灭绝,也不再有洪水毁坏地了。 -创世纪第九章
'The future of life is at stake': Leaders open Paris climate change summit. World leaders are meeting in Paris as they try to find a new global approach to climate change.This weekend demonstrations were held around the world to put pressure on negotiators.Representatives from 195 countries will attempt to reach a new agreement over the next two weeks.
人类命运岌岌可危:各国领导人共赴巴黎气候变化大会. 各国领导人齐聚巴黎共商应对气候变化的对策。本周末,世界各地民众举行游行示威来给与会代表以舆论压力,来自195个国家的代表将在未来两周里力求达成新的共识。

Topic discussion reference :
1.Do you think climate change is positive or not?What is your opinion on the effect of climate change?
2.In terms of individual lifestyle and awareness,what citizens can do to make a difference?
3.In terms of policy and strategy,what should different governments in different situations do to adjust or initiate?
4. Just imagining,what would the world be like in 2050 if this prevention works?(some aspects like lifestyle and view on nature;science and technology;industry and business;weather and environment)
1 你认为气候变化是积极还是消极?你认为气候变化的影响有哪些?
2 就个人生活方式和意识而言,我们能为此做些什么?
3 就各国政府政策和策略而言,不同地区不同国情的国家应当做出什么调整或创新?
4 试想一下,如果新的应对措施起作用了,世界在2050年将是什么样的?(可从生活方式 对自然的观念 科技 新产业和新商机 气候和环境等方面谈)
Step3: 20:20-21:30 或 22:00 英语桌游活动 !
今期GEC外语社团会向大家带来两款好玩的桌游,到场后由志愿者用中文教大家怎么玩,学会后开始用英语游戏。 请参加活动的同学一定要佩戴上徽章,游戏期间我们会规定:佩戴中、高级徽章(蓝、黄)的同学必须全程使用英语,不许用中文。佩戴初级徽章(绿)的同学可以适当使用中文。玩游戏的时候请尽量玩得开心点,不用拘紧,让我一起在游戏中寻找学英语的快乐!
Come to share your opinion and play with us ! This Friday night !

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