2015.12.19 - GEC海珠广场英语角第214期活动
更新:2015-12-09 15:40:23 | 分享:Seas ( V100 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:43
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2015-12-19(六) 19:00-21:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
"车"林大了,什么事儿都有。。What happens when vehicles getting more
China is now the world's largest car market, but unfortunately this has failed to result in a corresponding improvement in driving skills and road etiquette among its drivers. China has the highest number of road accident fatalities in the world as well, many of which have been directly attributed to drivers' bad habits and their lack of respect for traffic rules.
On the other hands, more than 17 million cases of road rage have been handled so far this year. This sparked intense discussion about the lack of respect for traffic rules among Chinese drivers and their lack of basic road safety awareness.
Topic discussion reference :
1. Do you have driving license? Do you want to buy a car? Why?
2. What do you think of the new driver's driving skills in China?
3. Do you think people who easy to get angry should drive or not?
4. Shall Guangzhou limit vehicles on road or other cities's vehicles?
5. Let's talk about funny story of female drivers.
1. 你有驾照吗?你打算买车吗?为什么?
2. 拿到驾照的人越来越多,你如何看新手司机们的上路现状?
3. 有人说容易发怒的人不宜开车,你怎么看?
4. 你认为广州需要限行或者限外吗?
5. 你怎么看女司机开车?聊聊女司机那些趣事儿
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
corresponding( 相当的,对应的);improvement(改善);road etiquette(上路礼节);attribute to(把某事归因于);habit(习惯);road rage(路怒);intense discussion(即时讨论);accident(事故);casualty(伤亡人数);emergency(紧急);congestion(拥堵);violate(暴力);killers on the road(马路杀手);
迷路联系人:Molly -18613177160 或Clara-15018481740或加微信:supermolly-law

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