2015.12.18 - GEC市一宫英语角第020期活动
更新:2015-12-14 15:23:35 | 分享:Shawn ( V592 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:72
GEC外语社团免费公益活动 市一宫广场英语角
活动形式: Topic talk + Table games
活动时间: 2015-12-18(周五) 19:30-22:00
活动地点: 广州市第一文化宫广场(福记面店旁)
活动福利: 聚会点设有免费桌椅
Step1: 19:30-19:40 自我介绍
Step2: 19:40-20:20 话题讨论
活动主题:Find your words of the year 2015. 谈谈你的2015
As we are approaching the final days of 2015, I supposed you must have many things to share with us. What is the best thing that happened to you in the past year? Tell us!
Topic discussion reference :
1. How many domestic or international events do you remember over the past time of 2015?
2. What are the impacts on you of these events?
3. What are the most successful or impressive things you have done in 2015? And the regrets?
4. Can you find a word to sum up yourself over the past year 2015?
5. What would you like to do in the coming 2016.
1. 2015年度对国内外哪些事件印象最为深刻?
2. 你觉得这些事件对你有哪些影响或未来的考虑?
3. 2015年你最成功/印象深刻的事情?是否有后悔/遗憾的事情?
4. 你能用一个字词来总结概况自己的2015年吗?
5. 面对即将迎来的2016年,是否有考虑过要去做什么?
Step3: 20:20-21:30 或 22:00 英语桌游活动 !
今期GEC外语社团会向大家带来两款好玩的桌游,到场后由志愿者用中文教大家怎么玩,学会后开始用英语游戏。 请参加活动的同学一定要佩戴上徽章,游戏期间我们会规定:佩戴中、高级徽章(蓝、黄)的同学必须全程使用英语,不许用中文。佩戴初级徽章(绿)的同学可以适当使用中文。玩游戏的时候请尽量玩得开心点,不用拘紧,让我一起在游戏中寻找学英语的快乐!
Come to share your opinion and play with us ! This Friday night !
迷路联系人:Shawn:18565157290 or Molly:18613177160 或加微信:supermolly-law
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