2016.7.30 - GEC海珠广场英语角第246期活动
更新:2016-07-24 23:34:22 | 分享:Seas ( V100 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:67
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2016-7-30(六) 19:00-22:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
铁饭碗or下海?你还想做公务员吗? Iron rice bowl' losing some luster
After years of offering secure lifelong jobs known as "iron rice bowls", China's civil service is losing some of its recruits, if not facing an actual brain drain.
Many blame rising public criticism of civil servants and a widening pay gap with the private sector. One human resources staff member with a foreign-invested enterprise who wished to remain anonymous said an employee with experience in government can help a company take root in the Chinese market and better compete with local counterparts.
Topic discussion reference :
1.Many civil servants resigned recently, what do you think?
2.Do you want to be a civil servant or a staff of company?
3.Talk about the work you like, are you doing it?
1. 近年来很多公务员辞职下海,你如何看待他们的选择?
2. 如果让你选,你选做公务员还是去企业or创业?
3. 聊聊你最希望做的工作?是你现在正在做的吗?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
Iron rice bowl(铁饭碗);offer(提供);secure lifelong job(终生职业);recruit(招聘,岗位); drain(耗尽);blame(指责,责怪);criticism (批评);civil servant (公务员);foreign-invested enterprise(外企);anonymous(匿名);take root in(扎根);counterpart (对手);

