2017.1.25 - GEC迎春花市英语角第003期活动
更新:2017-01-08 00:39:19 | 分享:Jackson ( V3373 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:128
形式: Walk talk + Free talks
时间: 2017-1-25 (周三) 19:30-22:00
地点: 北京路花市
(地铁1/2号线 公园前地铁站 I2出口 后面)

As the 2017 Chinese New Year of Rooster approaches, Guangzhou Spring Festival Flower Fair is scheduled to be held from January 24 (the 27th day of the last lunar month) to February 11 (the 15th day of the first lunar month).
In Guangzhou, people say"No Spring Festival without the flower fair." The Cantonese style of Spring Festival Flower Fair was dated back to Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and held for three days before the Chinese Lunar New Year ushers in. During the flower fair time, strolling the mile-long fair venue is a must for very city citizen for blessing.
Activity Procedure:
Step1: Gather at I2 entrance of GongYuanQian Metro Station.
Step2: Walk together to watch and play in the Flower Fair of Beijing road.
Step3: Find a place to sit and have some Guangzhou famous Sweet Soup.
1. 地铁1/2号线公园前地铁站I2出口集合(地面出来后拐到出口后面)
2. 逛北京路花市,边走边聊边看边玩。
3. 北京路一带很多闻名小吃店,找一家休息喝糖水。
So let's go together to talk and play in 2017 Guangzhou Spring Festival Flower Fair !
兰花(orchid),牡丹(peony),茉莉花(jasmine),桂花(Sweet Osmanthus),康乃馨(Carnation),紫罗兰(Matthiola incana),百合(lily),水仙花(Chinese Narsissus),莲花(Hindu Lotus),郁金香(tulip),凤仙花(balsam),美人蕉(Canna),向日葵(sunflower), 大竺葵(geranium),牵牛花(morning-glory),大波斯菊(cosmos),蝴蝶花(iris),风信子(hyacinth),雏菊(daisy),剑兰(gladiolus ),龙舌兰(cantury plant),仙客来(cyclamen ),秋海棠(begonia),木棉花(kapok)
蓮子百合紅豆沙(Sweetened Red Bean Paste with Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs), 湯圓(Dumplings), 海帶綠豆糖水(Sweet Mung Bean Soup), 豆腐花(Tofu Fa), 蕃薯煲薑糖水(Sweet Potato with Ginger), 南北杏木瓜炖雪耳糖水(Simmered White Jelly Fungus with Papaya and Apricot Kernels), 黑芝麻糊(Black Sesame Soup), 杏仁糊(Almond Paste), 合桃露(Walnut Soup), 花生糊 (Peanut Soup), 椰汁燉燕窩(Bird's nest in coconut milk), 年糕(New Year Cake), 馬蹄糕(Water Chestnut Cake), 砵仔糕(Chinese Bowl Pudding)
活动联系人:Jackson:18620952973 or 微信(Wechat): qq104317134
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