2017.1.21 - GEC海珠广场英语角第271期活动
更新:2017-01-15 01:02:12 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:61
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2016-1-21(六) 19:00-22:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
2017春节的车票,你买到了吗?What's the weirdest thing you've done to return home?
Spring Festival travel rush, also known as chunyun. About 350 million people are expected to travel this year, which is slightly more than the total population of US. So for this bitter sweet journey, what is the weirdest thing that you've done to return home?
It might be awkward stories about your painful struggle for a ticket. Or a strange encounter on the train. Or some unexpected accident that you confronted.Or something else? Don't be shy and share it with everyone in the comments area!
千辛万苦抢到票还要经历千辛万苦才能到家,一边是臭脚丫味来袭,一边是熊孩子没完没了的哭闹,还要配上大叔们起此彼伏的呼噜声…… 这些是你春节回家路的遭遇吗?如果不是,你的故事是什么呢?
Topic discussion reference :
1,Did you get your ticket smoothly? Share with us.
2,Talk about the weirdest thing you've met.
3,What's the difference between this year and others?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
weirdest(最奇葩的事);Spring Festival travel(春运);population(人口);bitter sweet journey(有苦有甜的旅程);awkward(尴尬的);painful(痛苦的);struggle(挣扎);strange encounter(碰到的奇怪人或事);accident(事故);confronted(遇到);comment(评论);

