2017.4.1 - GEC海珠广场英语角第281期活动
更新:2017-03-27 16:21:07 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:55
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2017-4-1(六) 19:15-22:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
世界睡眠日,谁来拯救你的睡眠? Work pressure,smartphones keeping Chinese people awake
Many young Chinese people struggle to get a good night's sleep which could be harming their health, according to the results of a major survey published to mark World Sleep Day. Only about 5.6 percent of respondents said they felt energetic after sleep.
Many respondents cited work pressure as a major influence on their sleep quality, and could lead to bad sleep. The survey showed 60 percent of the respondents would choose to work instead of sleep.Some 93 percent said they would play with smartphones before sleep, watching TV series or shopping online.
Topic discussion reference :
1,When do you sleep at night?Do you often stay up late?
2,Talk about your last time's stay up all night?
3,Do you know the harm of stay up late?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
pressure(压力);smartphones(智能手机);be harm(对..有害);World Sleep Day(世界睡眠日);respondent(反映);influence(影响);TV series(电视剧);fall asleep(睡熟);wake up(睡醒);stay up(熬夜);stay up all night(通宵);energetic(精力充沛的);obsession(困扰);

