2017.4.15 - GEC海珠广场英语角第283期活动
更新:2017-04-10 00:44:11 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:69
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2017-4-15(六) 19:15-22:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
你生命中最尴尬的时刻 Embarrassing moments injecting excitement to life
Living in the same metropolis, taking the same subway, using the same app to order the same takeout, you must be bored and feel tired of this invariable world. So, why not try something new and thrilling?
No need to ride a roller coaster or go bungee jumping. They're risky and costly. Actually, you can experience an unforgettable feeling just by learning from the participant of English corner. This Saturday, we raised the topic What's your most embarrassing moment? prompting our participant to share their unbearable memories. Rather than being humiliating, these experiences seemed quite exciting.
Topic discussion reference :
1,When is your most embarrassing moments?
2,Talk about other's embarrassing moments you knew
3,Will you be humoured at embarrassing moments?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
Embarrassing(尴尬的);awkwardness(尴尬);metropolis(大都市);takeout(外卖);invariable(一成不变的);thrill(兴奋的);roller coaster(过山车);bungee jump(蹦极);risky(有危险的);costly(费用高的);participant(参与者);unbearable memory(不堪回首的记忆);humiliate(使难堪);humour(幽默);

