2017.9.23 - GEC海珠广场英语角第306期活动
更新:2017-09-15 15:33:39 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:37
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2017-9-23(六) 19:15-22:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
榆林产妇跳楼事件谁的错?Family, hospital clash over woman's suicide
Last Wednesday, 26-year-old Ma Rongrong, who was a week away from delivery, was admitted to the First Hospital of Yulin to give birth. On Aug 31, Ma jumped out of a window while "mentally out of control" from the pain she was experiencing during labor, according to the hospital's statement.
What lead to the tragedy? The hospital and the woman's relatives are revealing entirely different details. they are blaming each other for causing the death of the pregnant woman and her unborn child. And the incident has triggered heated discussion online.
Topic discussion reference :
1.Talk about this incident that you know.
2.Who shall take the responsibility? why?
3.What will you do if you were one of them?
1. 你知道这个事件吗?说说你知道的背景
2. 你认为这个事件中谁应该负责?为什么?
3. 事件反映出什么问题?如果你是当事人你怎么做?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
suicide(自杀);delivery(生产);mentally out of control(失去理智);pain(痛苦);tragedy(悲剧);relative(亲属);reveal(展现出);blame(指责);pregnant woman(孕妇);unborn child(未出生的孩子);incident(事件);trigger(触发);

