2018.12.22 - GEC海珠广场英语角第370期活动
更新:2018-12-19 12:03:31 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:30
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2018-12-22(六) 19:15-22:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
你的iPhone怕是要绝版了?Court grants Qualcomm injunction against Apple
Qualcomm Inc on Monday said it had won a preliminary order from a Chinese court banning the importation and sale of several Apple Inc iPhone models in China that the court found violated two of Qualcomm's patents.
The preliminary order affects the iPhone 6S through the iPhone X. Qualcomm initially filed the case in China in late 2017. China is the second largest iPhone market, and the impact on the US smartphone maker will likely depend on how determined Chinese authorities will be to enforce the law.
近日,苹果或将有些麻烦了,由于侵犯高通公司的专利,苹果在中国有一部分iPhone将无法进行销售。那么苹果到底有哪些机型被禁了呢?你手上的iPhone有没有在名单内呢?根据官方公布的消息,此次涉及到被禁止销售、进口的机型有:iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus和iPhone X.
Topic discussion reference :
1.Are you using iphone? Why?
2.What's your opinion on this banning?
3.What do you think of the trade war?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
Court(法院);Qualcomm(高通);injunction(禁令);preliminary(初步的);importation(进口);violate(侵犯);patent(专利);affect(影响);initially(最初);file the case(提起诉讼);smartphone(智能手机);authority(当权者);enforce(执行);touchscreen(触屏);infringement(侵权行为);
英语角联系人:Seas -13711212165 (微信:supermolly123)
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