Little : Do not go gentle into that good night
更新:2014-12-05 22:25:52 | 分享:Little ( V241 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:189

The first time I heard this poem was in the cinema, when I watched the movie Interstellar. This is a famous poem from an English poet—Dylan Thomas. Originally, this poem was used to inspire the father of the poem. And the director applied it to encourage the humans. In fact, it is also work for you, if you have the same sense. My understanding is to do something which may be a challenge for you or try something that you want in your lifetime.
When I was a freshman, I made a decision to do what I wanted--taking part in a remote teaching activity in the Guizhou province during my first summer holiday in university. It impresses me deeply and makes me mature. My life attitude is affected greatly by what I met and what I knew during that short time.
I took part in GEC by chance. It makes me believe firmly that learning could not be completed by the graduation of university. Someone may surrender to the life, working day to day without any ambition and passion. Why not find something you want to do and keep learning?
Lifetime is short. Do not go gentle in to that good night. Do something which is worth of staying in your mind.
Little Zhou
December 5, 2014