June - Whatever will be, will be..
更新:2015-08-06 21:54:24 | 分享:June ( V151 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:419
I have various interests, such as Anime Music Movie Design Traveling Games. In a word everything interesting! and I especially like music, western music Chinese music listening to music, singing, playing ukulele.
I am now working in an International media company, AKA advertising dog (>_<) I would love to share anything about advertising and media if you ask.

【Why I want to practice En】
For one thing I practice it mainly for self-improvement, it would be very useful in live, and you can learn it by many interesting ways like watching American series, listening English songs etc.
For another thing, I am working in an International Company, Oral En is a must. And I don't think I am able to make presentation nor communicate fluently in En.
So when your expectation goes beyond your capability, you gotta practice!!
【My impression about GEC】
Remember the early time when I join GEC, I was impressed by the volunteers who are very responsible, nice, passionate, making every effort in building up GEC such a big family, which makes me want to make some contribution, so I became one of the volunteers.
Thanks to GEC , I have met a lot of interesting people from all walks of life, they are charming, talented, easy-going, very funny to talk to.