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Bo - When Journey is made...

更新:2017-10-30 18:19:27  |  分享:Bo ( V2741 )  |  来源:原创  |  阅读:153

Hi everyone! My name is Bo. I come from Jiangsu, used to work in Guangzhou, and then moved to study and work in Australia. When my journey to social work is made overseas, I returned with greatest satisfaction and pleasure. Life is a beautiful struggle which is worth our efforts to experience, and if only you have something strong in mind and work hard enough on it, you definitely can make is come true one day. So stay cool and persistent, you’ll finally get there, my dear GEC friends!


By the way, some of my interests are writing (or telling life stories), and dealing with life change issues, such as career change, grief & loss, palliative care, migration, and parenting. I would like to share my experiences and skills with you. You are also welcome to read my writings by following my WeChat public account ‘尘埃落定之海归社工’.
