Lucky - A happy advance
更新:2016-05-03 23:55:49 | 分享:Lucky ( V2289 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:459
One of my friend invite me to GEC(A Public Welfare Activities Organization) for learning Cantonese together .That is my first time to hear of GEC.

A Sunday afternoon, more or less 30 people (including me) sitting a meeting room with sunshine, a cute lady teach us how to pronounce, and then a handsome guy teach us the sentences and dialogue. At last we sing the Cantonese song together. Enjoy the cozy and relaxing here at weekend. Love the positive here. That I determined to learn Cantonese well is I can’t communicate normally with GZ old people when I go to visit the "three noes" old people or the nursing home.
With the understanding of GEC,I find that there is not only Cantonese corner but also English corner, Korean corner , French corner, Spanish corner ,Japanese corner and outdoor activity. The outdoor activities is worth to mention. I spend too much time on working after Graduated. But now I wanna go everywhere I can go before marry. So that is why I am so interested in outdoor activities in GEC. We can go visit different interested places with hundred GEC members in Guangzhou, experience the local history of humanity and taste lots of authentic special snacks. Also can expand our social circle. I slowly fall in love with GEC.
I am so happy Mr. Wisky (GEC Volunteer) offer me the opportunity to be GEC volunteer. I can give now not always claim from GEC .
Nomatter you want to improve your English , Cantonese , French , Korea, Japanese or expand your manage skill ,communication skill or want find your Mr./Miss right here or any other reasons. Let us happy move together.
GEC Outdoor Activities Planning Dept.
Volunteer: Lucky Law
Date: 2016.4.28
Volunteer: Lucky Law
Date: 2016.4.28