Wisky - 品味生活,放飞逐梦的翅膀
更新:2015-08-12 15:36:42 | 分享:Wisky ( V875 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:817
生活这两个字眼,本身带给我们纷繁绒华的故事,在平凡的生活里,锤炼不平凡的人生,用心感悟生活的每刻,生命就会精彩。 ——题记

Hello everyone,My name is Wisky, A handsome boy that from a beautiful city of the Hunan province, Forgive me talking about my opinion to such a deep topic at the beginning. My life was connected with the "Yangcheng", a city have full of the vibrant things ,when I came to Guangzhou at the first moment. From the first time visit the eight scenic spots in Guangzhou during the National Day of the 2011, the life in Yangcheng has been beckoning me. With the past 4 years of the college life, I return to the embrace of GZ once again.
It should owe to my return this time, I start to recognize GEC and start to know that there are a large number of the enthusiastic volunteers like Seas, Molly, Jerry, Janice, and so on. I feel that those volunteers are so hard and persistent to their works in the GEC, Their spirit also aroused my confidence to take part in the GEC. Well, That’s all hypocritical, Next I will talk something about my embarrassed moment when I went to the English corner at the first time. It always will have some embarrassed things when came to a new place, I remembered that when I became one of the group leader in the English corner at the first time, As a listener, My oral English was so poor that I will feel embarrassed at most times. But cunning as I , When I was facing the team members, I often says that "OK, you first please, How do you think of this topic?"Finally,Facing more and more questions from those team members, I have to pull out all my skills so that I was able to escape.
I start to fall in love with GEC from this experience, and began to pursue the pace of GEC, and I will communication with many people and learn English together . At the same time, Not only I love Cantonese song, but also I was a member of the Cantonese corner, As a fresh man arrived in Guangzhou, Cantonese learning still need a long time, In the future, I hope that there will be many Gods of Cantonese who are willing to take me to fly and wanna to be a noble man (the Chinese mean is ZhuangBi) with me together.
Talking about the feelings to GEC, It’s the time to talk something about my daily life. As a backpacker, reading and travel are my favorite. As I have mentioned about the topic of the life before, Loving your life had better to view it from details and people’s feeling during your daily life. There are some people often says that the one who have an engineering background seems to be very stiff to all, and as a man who belong to the pure construction of the engineering, There seems to be no doubt that the rationality is correct. However, Similarly, when the rationality is no longer pureness, It is owe to my love of life when the emotion was found. It is the emotion that lead me start to chase my pace to the dream.
正是这次的回归,让我认识了GEC,结识了Seas,Molly,Jerry,Janice等众多的热情的志愿者,感受到了GEC里志愿者的辛苦与坚持,更激起了我参与进来的信心。好了,矫情到这,也来说说我在英语角的一些囧事,和大家一起侃侃。初来乍到,总免不了出现一些尴尬,记得第一次成为英语角的小组长时,做为一名listener,那拙脚的口语,着实让我窘迫。狡猾如斯的我,面对小组成员,我常说的一句话就是“OK, you first please, How do you think of this topic?” O(∩_∩)O 哈哈~。后来,面对众多小组成员的question围剿,我使出了浑身解数,方才险险脱逃。