2015.11.20 - GEC市一宫英语角第017期活动
更新:2015-11-14 00:27:18 | 分享:Shawn ( V592 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:227
GEC外语社团免费公益活动 市一宫广场英语角
活动形式: Topic talk + Table games
活动时间: 2015-11-20(周五) 19:30-22:00
活动地点: 广州市第一文化宫广场(福记面店旁)
活动福利: 聚会点设有免费桌椅
Step1: 19:30-19:40 自我介绍
Step2: 19:40-20:20 话题讨论
The most exciting annual shopping festival in China "Double 11" was over. Alibaba.com, the e-commerce giant who created this event, said more than 1 billion USD was spent within the first eight minutes!On another note, "Double 11' is also the day to mark the singles (singles day). It looks like the combination of these 2 events creates an inflamatory power..
1. 剁手节你有剁手吗?熬夜秒杀?后悔了吗?(do you think the online salers played tricks on this day?)
2. 你有过什么失败的网店购物经验?(share with us your unpleasent experience of shopping online)
3. 网店(online shop)和实体店(brick-and-mortar shop)对比,各自优缺点是什么(pros and cons)? 你更倾向于哪个?
4. 双十一是中国单身节(Singles' day), 你认为这对单身人士及恋人是种伤害吗?女生貌美如花,男生赚钱养家,这是一种成功的商业策划?谈谈你的见解。

Step3: 20:20-21:30 或 22:00 英语桌游活动 !
今期GEC外语社团会向大家带来两款好玩的桌游,到场后由志愿者用中文教大家怎么玩,学会后开始用英语游戏。 请参加活动的同学一定要佩戴上徽章,游戏期间我们会规定:佩戴中、高级徽章(蓝、黄)的同学必须全程使用英语,不许用中文。佩戴初级徽章(绿)的同学可以适当使用中文。玩游戏的时候请尽量玩得开心点,不用拘紧,让我一起在游戏中寻找学英语的快乐!
Come to share your opinion and play with us ! This Friday night !

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