2016.10.15 - GEC海珠广场英语角第257期活动
更新:2016-09-24 13:12:25 | 分享:Seas ( V100 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:77
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2016-10-1(六) 19:00-22:00
活动地点: 海珠广场中央休憩亭旁
本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:
伴娘被灌酒至死只是意外?Bridesmaid's death from drinking too much alcohol
The recent death of a 28-year-old bridesmaid in Wenchang, Hainan province, from being forced to drink too much alcohol at a wedding banquet has stirred up public debate.A video clip widely circulating on Chinese social-media sites shows the woman in a black dress being egged on into drinking baijiu at the ceremony. In the video, she later appears to lose consciousness, and is rushed to local hospital. Unfortunately, the emergency department fails to resuscitate her.
In China, drinking baijiu is usually considered an important part of social ritual, especially in business dinners and wedding banquets. But sometimes it just goes too far as the guests have to follow the hosts' orders no matter how reluctant they are.
Topic discussion reference :
1.Talk about the wedding you have ever participated.
2.Talk about the excessive manner you knew in wedding.
4.What do you think of the drinking culture in China?
1. 你参加过婚礼迎亲吗?你的亲身经历是怎样的?
2. 聊聊你知道的比较过分的玩新人招数?
3. 你如何看待中国的饮酒文化?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
Bridesmaid(伴娘);alcohol(酒,酒精);wedding banquet(婚礼宴会);stir up public debate(激起公众辩论);widely circulating(广泛传播);be egged on(被怂恿);lose consciousness(失去意识);emergency department(急诊部);resuscitate(救活);social ritual(社交仪式);reluctant(不情愿的);
英语角联系人:Molly -18613177160 (微信:supermolly-law)
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