2021.1.16 - GEC海珠广场外语角第462期活动
更新:2021-01-14 12:13:00 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:16
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2021-1-16(六) 19:15-21:00
活动地点: 海珠广场休憩亭
( 地铁2号线海珠广场站D出口外)
本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
你的人生中最后悔的事是什么?Most common regrets people have in their 40s
Here are some of the most common regrets people in their 40s feel, with insight from experts in finance, wellness, psychology. "When you reach 40, you realize that most of the stress and worry of your youth never panned out," says David Bennett, a certified counselor, relationship expert and co-author of seven self-help books.
"Chasing money in our 20s and 30s can lead to grief build up in our 40s as we spend more time reflecting and contemplating on the past," according to The Om Couple, self-improvement experts. "We can't get back our time, and this lifetime is not a rehearsal. Spend time, not money."
“在20多岁和30多岁时只顾着挣钱,可能会导致我们40多岁时有点悲伤。因为我们40多岁时,花了更多时间去反思和思考过去,” 自我改善专家The Om Couple表示。“我们无法回到过去,人的一生从来没有彩排。花更多的时间(陪家人和朋友),而不是钱。
Topic discussion reference :
1.What is the most regretful thing in your life?
2.Will you choose the same if life can be back?
3.What's the thing you don't regret?
Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Haizhu Square !
Words to use:
regrets(遗憾);common(常见的);insight(洞察力);wellness(健康);psychology(心理学);stress(精神压力);pan out(取得进展);certified(证实);counselor(顾问);relationship expert(关系专家);co-author(合著者);Chasing(追逐);grief(悲伤);reflecting(反射);contemplating(沉思);rehearsal(排演);

