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2024.6.29 - GEC地王广场外语角第632期活动

更新:2024-06-26 23:10:47  |  分享:Molly ( V92 )  |  来源:参考  |  阅读:0

GEC外语社团免费公益活动 地王广场外语角
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2024-6-29(周六) 19:30-22:00
活动地点: 地王广场负二层中庭
( 地铁1号线烈士陵园站A出口外)

本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
全网疯传“上海Manner咖啡店崩溃30秒” Manner coffee staff insulted and assaulted customers!

On June 20th, the well-known coffee brand Manner became popular on social media due to two incidents of disputes between store employees and customers. According to a video circulating online, both disputes occurred on the morning of June 17th. Among them, an employee of Manner's Shanghai Weihai Road 716 store was suspected of throwing coffee powder at customers due to emotional loss, while an employee of Manner's Shanghai Meihua Road store insulted customers and engaged in physical conflicts with them.

After the incident escalated online, a large number of people sympathized with the store staff and condemned the boss, and many insiders came out to expose the insider information of Manner's coffee squeezing employees.


Topic discussion reference :
1.What would you do if it were you?
2.Have you or anyone around you ever experienced emotional breakdown?
3.What is the root cause of such incidents?


Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Diwang Square !

Words to use:
emotional breakdown(情绪崩溃);insulted(侮辱);assaulted(猛烈攻击);circulating(传播);throwing(扔);powder(粉末);engaged in(发生);physical conflicts(肢体冲突);escalated(加剧);sympathized(同情);condemned(指责);squeezing(压榨);



\ 英语角联系人:Seas -13711212165 (微信:supermolly124)

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