Leo - 曲画倾情,让兴趣赞美生命
更新:2017-09-19 12:06:56 | 分享:Leo ( V5210 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:258
大家好,我是Leo Xiao,目前是一名尤克里里老师,学生们都喊我“Leo老师”。



感谢GEC和Seas邀请我去别墅做那期关于尤克里里分享,那是我做的第一次全英尤克里里分享,对我来说是一个挑战。幸运的是,那期“Fun with the ukulele, Passion with the weekends”还做得不错,我对自己的表现基本满意。


Let the interest celebrate our life
[Brief introduction]
Hello everyone, I am Leo Xiao,a ukulele teacher.Usuallly, my students call me Teacher Leo.

If you know what is constellation you will understand the character of a classic Aquarius like me. I need some independent time and space to stimulate the inspiration.
I have many hobbies and a lot of friends but lack of confidant.
I like sport, taking a photography and something challenging. I am interested in cook ,playing with kids and talk freely and to my heart’s content with the senior person and so on.
I believe that a wise man is practical. What’s more, I want to do some projects to help both others and myself to improve the skill so that I will be honor of what I have done when looking back.
【Ukulele and me】
When I graduated from University, I fell in love with a girl who loves to play the ukulele and this girl said to me that she hope someone could give a presentation with her about ukulele playing and singing in the central street in the Retory. That must be very cool and the travelers will applaud their performance.
After that day, I wanted to be her partner and she taught me how to play it. This is the beginning of Journey between ukulele and me. Thanks a lot to this girl.
As you know, ukulele is one of easiest instruments to learn. Basically, we could master the ukulele playing and singing in two months’ learning. One year later, I assist her with teaching the teachers, who worked in the kindergarten ,playing the ukulele. Two years later, I started to teach independently.
Thanks for GEC and volunteer Seas invited me to give a presentation about ukulele on 20th Aug 2017. That is a challenge event for me as I have never give a English presentation about ukulele before.
Luckily, the speech is very successful so I am satisfied with my performance. After that, two audiences attended my ukulele course. Nowadays, they are my students who will follow my step to learn the ukulele. I hope them be happy and be more confident of themselves and also could give a presentation on the stage soon. Best wishes to my lovely students.

Teacher Leo, I, want to find some partners who have a common goal with me in GEC group. Maybe we could talk in English, sing and make music, eat delicious food together. Let’s scan below QR code, then you will find your dear Leo.