Arturo : Failure is to give up trying !
更新:2014-12-23 15:23:21 | 分享:Arturo ( V258 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:229

Hello everyone:
My name is Arturo. I was born in the United States, but when I was very small around 5 years old my family decided to immigrate back to Mexico and they settle in Ensenada, B.C. I finished my High School Education and got a technician degree in Chemistry and I decided to come to the United States to continue with my education and return to the land that saw me born; in the U.S. I went to East Los Angeles College ELAC in Los Angeles, California and obtained my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts.
My name is Arturo. I was born in the United States, but when I was very small around 5 years old my family decided to immigrate back to Mexico and they settle in Ensenada, B.C. I finished my High School Education and got a technician degree in Chemistry and I decided to come to the United States to continue with my education and return to the land that saw me born; in the U.S. I went to East Los Angeles College ELAC in Los Angeles, California and obtained my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts.
I speak and write Spanish and English. I also know some Japanese, and I’m trying to learn Chinese since I’m planning to visit China someday. I like to listen to music; such as, Spanish and English pop and rock from the 80’s and 90’s and Rock and Roll from the 60’s. I also like Jazz, R & B and classical music.
I like to play basketball and classic videogames like Nintendo NES, Super Nintendo SNES. Sega Genesis, Neo Geo, Play Station 1 and 2. I also like to custom build PC computers and basic computer security and networking. My favorite books to read are about Math, Science, Technology, and those related to the Asian culture and customs.
Finally I love to watch Asian Dramas; so far I have watched Korean Dramas like Full House and Angel Eyes, and one Taiwanese Drama “Go, Single Lady” and I love to watch Anime too.
Finally I love to watch Asian Dramas; so far I have watched Korean Dramas like Full House and Angel Eyes, and one Taiwanese Drama “Go, Single Lady” and I love to watch Anime too.