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Topic:Etiquette for ‘spilt the bill’ in China (AA制)It is generally accepted in China that men pay for everything when they invite you out. How do you feel if he is not your significant other, he is more than your coworker? Isn’t it fair f

更新:2014-09-18 16:09 | 阅读: 68 | 评论:0 | 标签: GEC非你不可 户外配对活动
2014.6.29 - GEC 非你不可 户外配对!


更新:2014-09-18 16:09 | 阅读: 308 | 评论:0 | 标签: 海珠 英语角 广州

本周除Free talk 外的话题讨论:Procrastination(拖延症)1.Do you tend to stay up late even though you have something important to do tomorrow? Do you usually start to do things at the last minute? Will you check your cellphone a hundred

更新:2014-09-18 16:09 | 阅读: 68 | 评论:0 | 标签: 海珠 英语角 广州
2014.5.25 - A bite of GZ  “食在广州”

说起广州,最闻名的就是食物了,“食在广州” 几乎是每个老广州、新广州都会听到的一句话.鲜香的艇仔粥、及第粥,嫩口爽滑的肠粉,浓郁劲道的牛杂,爽脆的云吞面,花样百出的糖水……

更新:2014-09-17 17:09 | 阅读: 73 | 评论:0 | 标签: 食在广州

Children’s Day 儿童节 Do you think that you are still a Child??1.是否记得从前的六一节是如何度过的呢?How do you used to spend your Children’s day?2.最难忘的六一节是哪一次,如何度过,为

更新:2014-09-17 17:09 | 阅读: 174 | 评论:0 | 标签: 广州 海珠 广场 英语角
