2017.2.17 - GEC白云新市英语角第21期活动
更新:2017-02-06 14:46:31 | 分享:Molly ( V92 ) | 来源:参考 | 阅读:50
活动形式: Topic talk + Table games
集中时间: 2017-2-17(周五) 19:00-19:30
集中地点: 地铁2号线 白云文化广场站 C出口
活动地点: 广州市白云区新市南路45号新市天地步行街 F座 二楼
活动福利: 准时集合有专车接送
Step1: 19:45-20:00 自我介绍
Step2: 20:00-22:00 分区活动
Hardships and tears behind China's booming food delivery service
Hardships and tears behind China's booming food delivery service
Around 150 million Chinese have experienced ordering food on a delivery service app, however, they might not know about the lives of the men who deliver the meal to their homes.
Zhou Wu rolls up his sleeve to reveal a scar on his right arm, a reminder of an accident in which he hit the curb and was thrown off his scooter to avoid an electric tricycle coming right at him. After the accident happened, the first thing that occurred to him wasn't if he was injured, but "whether or not the food in the box spilled out."
Zhou Wu has had three road accidents since 2015 when he became a food deliveryman in Beijing. He "dared not tell the company because they would not pay for the medical bill, but might even fine you." This is a hard job, be prepared if you are determined to do it.

今期GEC外语社团会向大家带来两款好玩的桌游,到场后由志愿者用中文教大家怎么玩,学会后开始用英语游戏。 请参加活动的同学一定要佩戴上徽章,游戏期间我们会规定:佩戴中、高级徽章(蓝、黄)的同学必须全程使用英语,不许用中文。佩戴初级徽章(绿)的同学可以适当使用中文。玩游戏的时候请尽量玩得开心点,不用拘紧,让我一起在游戏中寻找学英语的快乐!

Step2: 21:00~22:00 活动结束
Come to talk and play with us ! This Friday night !


新人请加群:511673019 GEC广州英语角新人群
或关注微信公众号:GEConline, GECtranslation,GECaconly
(特别鸣谢 白云新市天地 对本活动的大力支持)
新市天地简介: 新市天地位于广州四大商圈之一新市墟,集潮流百货、品牌服饰街、快时尚城、情侣天地、儿童天地、美食广场、流线天地、数码天地、大型巨幕电影院、娱乐休闲中心、台湾美食街等于一体的充满活力、舒适、休闲、娱乐、美食、情景的大型体验购物广场。