Susan - 知足常乐
更新:2016-09-18 17:32:38 | 分享:Susan ( V3314 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:254
Since my work need, so I need to improve my English, and I found this big family—GEC, there have so many friends I can practice with them, and i like this atmosphere.

After work, I take bus back home and go to the supermarket to buy and food, cook next morning and bring to office as a lunch, of course, it is turn with my friend. Most of time we will go for a walk together.
My hobby is billiards、singing and so on. And I am also enjoy travel alone, in March 2013, it is my first time to travel alone, went to Fenghuang town Hunan province, then also went to Chaozhou and Shantou city to find delicious food, and lately, I went to Lijiang town Yunnan province, work as a volunteer in youth hostel, stayed one month, it is a special experience for me.
Now I am also a volunteer and very pleased to be, hope can make many many friend with common hobby in this big family, learn together and play together, it sounds really nice, right?